Filshie Clip Lawsuit – Tubal Sterilization Clamps Lawyer

Women who want to prevent pregnancy have many options. Those who choose the Filshie clip as a contraceptive do so because they trust the devices to be safe and effective.

Unfortunately, Filshie clip migration is a documented problem with these devices. When the contraceptive clips migrate, they can embed themselves in organs, sometimes causing perforations. These adverse events require revision surgeries.

Women who suffered from Filshie clip migration are suing the device’s manufacturer. Our medical device and product liability lawyers are investigating these cases.

If you or a loved one received a Filshie implant that migrated, call us today for a free, no-obligation case evaluation. Call (800) 277-1193 or complete a short Free Evaluation Form

filshie clip lawsuit lawyer

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March 2025

One example of the issues caused by Filshie Clip migration involves an Amarillo woman who became pregnant after a tubal ligation procedure, suggesting one of her clips moved from its original position. She claims this happens in up to 25% of cases and accuses the manufacturer of misleading the FDA about the product’s effectiveness. Her case highlights the potential injuries and complications that can result from Filshie Clip migrations.

What Could I Get in a Filshie Clip Lawsuit Payout?

Injuries and damages vary from one case to the next. However, typical types of recoverable damages in a medical device / product liability case include:

  • Costs of medical treatment (past and future)
  • Lost income (past and future)
  • Pain and suffering (past and future)

Our product liability Filshie clip lawyers will investigate your case and calculate your damages. We will fight to get you the compensation you deserve.

What Injuries Do Filshie Clips Lawsuits Claim?

The primary complications associated with Filshie Clips involve the failure of the clips to remain attached to the fallopian tubes. This detachment results in migration of the clips to other parts of the body. In some cases, the clips become embedded in internal organs or tissues.

The most common treatment for this is laparoscopic surgery to remove the migrated clips. However, in certain cases, complete removal is not feasible. This means the clip is left in place, which may pose ongoing risks or require further monitoring.

Spontaneous reporting of the device has surged fivefold since 2017. A total of 583 reports have been filed with the Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience (MAUDE) database, comprising:

  • 478 injury reports
  • 77 malfunction reports
  • 1 report of death
  • 27 reports categorized as “other” or left blank

These reports include:

  • 167 cases of migration
  • 64 cases of perforation
  • 71 instances where patients required a hysterectomy

Why Do Filshie Clips Migrate?

The disordered physiological processes of Filshie clip migration could be linked to the rate of peritonealization. This is the process where new tissue covers the fallopian tube at the clip site. In the case of clip migration, avascular necrosis occurs after the surgeon applies the clip. This leads to the separation of the tube.

If peritonealization happens quickly, the clip is more likely to stay in place. However, if the process is slow, the clip may detach and migrate to other areas of the body. The patient experiences an increased the risk of complications.

What Are the Side Effects of Filshie Clip Migration?

Various symptoms have been reported following Filshie clip migration and surgical removal, including:

  • Severe pain
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Weight gain
  • Hair loss
  • Headaches
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Hot flashes
  • Mood swings
  • Memory loss
  • Cramping
  • Painful intercourse
  • Fatigue
  • Bladder and rectal issues
  • Infections
  • Psychological conditions like PTSD, anxiety, anger, and suicidal ideation.

Some of these symptoms are linked to “Pelvic Congestion Syndrome” or “Post-Tubal Ligation Syndrome.” These syndromes may arise from complications from the implantation procedure and require further medical attention.

If you or a loved one suffered from migration of a Filshie clip device, contact us today for a free, no-obligation case evaluation. Call us at (800) 277-1193 or fill out our brief Free Evaluation Form.

How Does Filshie Clip Birth Control Work?

The Filshie clip is a small femaile sterilization device that blocks the fallopian tubes to prevent eggs from reaching the uterus. The implantation occurs during a laparoscopic surgery. The procedure can be reversed if needed.

The United States Food and Drug Administration first approved the Filshie Clip System in 1996. The device has since undergone several updates. Although mainly produced by Femcare Ltd., Cooper Surgical and Utah Medical Products are also involved. For years, women have trusted this silicone-lined titanium clip as a safe and reliable method for permanent birth control.

Scientific Studies and Filshie Clip Case Reports

Several scientific journals have published reports of problems with Filshie clips. Here is a small sample of their findings.

Migrated tubal sterilisation clip presenting as a subcutaneous gluteal foreign body 24 years later: a case report and literature review

Surg Case Rep. June 12, 2024

This case report discusses the rare phenomenon of sterilization clip migration through the pelvic floor. This migration occurs in less than 1% of patients who undergo sterilization.

A 66-year-old woman was referred to a surgical unit after noticing a lump under her skin that became painful over two months. She had a sterilization procedure 24 years prior and no other health issues. An ultrasound confirmed a metallic foreign object, which was surgically removed and identified as a Filshie sterilization clip.

This case highlights how sterilization clips can migrate to unusual locations, such as the gluteal region, even decades after the procedure. A review of the literature revealed that in 34 cases, clip migration typically occurred to the bladder. However, Filshie clip system devices can travel through several layers of muscle and fascia–even the pelvic floor.

Filshie clip migration with multiple groin hernias: a case report

Journal of Medical Case Reports volume  9, Article number: 187 (2015)

This case report describes an instance of Filshie clip migration, which led to multiple groin hernias in a 56-year-old woman.

The patient had undergone sterilization 21 years earlier and hernia repair three years prior. She presented with a painful lump in her right groin. A CT scan revealed the migrated Filshie clip in the area of the hernia. During a femoral hernia repair surgery, the clip was found in the hernia sac and was removed.

This case emphasizes the importance of recognizing and removing migrated Filshie clips to help prevent hernia recurrence or other complications.

Filshie Clip Migration: A Report of Two Cases

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, June 4, 2012

The article discusses two instances of Filshie clip migration following female sterilization procedures. Both cases detail how the clips migrated from their original position in the fallopian tubes to other regions of the body, including the abdominal area. The report emphasizes the possible complications of clip migration, which may cause discomfort or require surgical removal.

Our Filshie Clip Lawyers Will Investigate Your Case

Our law firm has represented victims of personal injury from medical devices since 1955. The product liability lawyers who investigate your case will put their experience to work for you, giving you the peace of mind that comes from our decades of achieving results for our clients.

Call (800) 277-1193 or complete our short Free Evaluation Form.