Automobile & Motorcycle Accidents

Law Topics >  Cause of Injuries > Automobile & Motorcycle Accidents

Accidents on our Nation's roadways are a serious threat to the traveling public and are the leading cause of death for those under the age of thirty-four. Annually, over 40,000 people are killed in approximately five million motor vehicle accidents, many involving teen car accidents. In 2002 alone, nearly 43,000 people died in highway accidents nationwide. That equates to over 115 fatalities per day. The economic costs of these accidents is staggering, over $150 billion per year. Unfortunately, during your lifetime you are likely to be involved in at least one auto accident. You should know what to do in order to protect yourself and your legal rights.

First, call the police (and paramedics if necessary). It is imperative that the police report is accurate and that it reflects your recollection of the events. If you happen to have a camera, try to photograph the scene prior to moving the vehicles (only if safe to do so). Additionally, someone should interview all witnesses and record their comments. Such interviews should be completed as soon as possible as witnesses' memories tend to fade with time. Your attorney may hire a professional investigator to sift through the paperwork and determine insurance information and other mundane facts. In preparing your case, your attorney may find it helpful to diagram the scene, noting the traffic, weather and pavement conditions at the time of the accident. Try to accurately record as much of this information as possible.

As far as your injuries are concerned, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. If treatment is delayed, the Defendant may argue that it was not his negligent driving that caused your injury, but rather something that occurred between the time of the accident and your visit to the doctor.

If you have been seriously injured in an automobile accident it may be important to contact an attorney who can help you protect your legal rights. In addition, if you would like to learn more about defective automobiles, automobile parts and other motor vehicles, please see our section dealing specifically with those issues or update yourself on our many car accident articles.