Newsroom category: Environmental Claims News

10 Things You Should Know About PFAS in Clothing

June 25, 2024

Your favorite matching athleisure set and that adorable raincoat hanging in your closet are hiding a dark secret – they could be exposing you to toxic chemicals called PFAS. 1.  What Are PFAS? PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are harmful chemicals. Since the 1940s, consumer products manufacturers have used PFAS to produce scores of everyday […]

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$1.56 Billion Jury Verdict in Roundup Trials for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

November 25, 2023

Last week, Bayer AG learned it must pay four plaintiffs $1.56 billion after a jury decided Monsanto was liable for Roundup-caused injuries, including cancer. Complaints claimed negligence, design defects, and failure to warn of the potential dangers of using the popular herbicide. Plaintiffs Valorie Gunter, Jimmy Draeger, and Daniel Anderson were diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, […]

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