PFAS Remediation

Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Lawsuits

Our law firm is accepting cases on behalf of individuals who have developed cancer as a result of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) exposure as well as government and private entities who are remediating PFAS contamination.

Unfortunately, largely because of manufacturing and industrial use, PFAS have been detected in public and private water supplies across the country. Remediation is difficult and costly. Our firm is assisting public and private entities in recovering costs involved in the removal and remediation of PFAS. We also represent individuals who have been diagnosed with cancer that resulted from extensive exposure to PFAS, such as firefighters.

Litigation Updates in Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Lawsuits

June 2023

  • LPR announced that settlement talks with AFFF defendant 3M resulted in a $12.5 billion settlement with the chemical company. Under the settlement agreement, 3M will pay at least $10.5 billion and a maximum of $12.5 billion to settle lawsuits over drinking water systems across the country that were allegedly contaminated with PFAS.
  • Florida’s Emerald Coast Utilities Authority (ECUA) is one of many water providers in the Aqueous Film-Forming Foams (AFFF) Products Liability Litigation that will benefit from a national settlement between Dupont, Chemours, and Corteva and the Plaintiffs Executive Committee (PEC) in multidistrict litigation (MDL No. 2873). Parties agreed to a settlement amount of $1.185 billion.

May 2023

The U.S. District Court for the District of South Carolina Charleston Division threw out 3M’s motion to exclude expert testimony at trial in which the City of Stuart, Florida, alleges the company’s firefighting foam contaminated the city’s water supply with toxic PFAS.

March 2023

For the first time, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed a national drinking water standard (4 parts per trillion) for PFAS. The proposed regulation amounts to a single drop of water in 5 Olympic-size swimming pools.

How Are PFAS Used?

The sale of PFAS has been a major source of revenue for companies such as DuPont and 3M. As a critical component in the creation of water and stain repellents for textiles (i.e., fabric, carpet, and upholstery), PFAS represents an annual revenue stream of $1 billion. The secondary market for PFAS is in emulsifiers for lubricants, spray-on coatings, paints, and polishes. Sales in this area account for an additional $100 million per year.

PFAS are also used as an ingredient in the manufacturing of:

  • flame retardants and extinguishing foams
  • ink
  • pesticides
  • hydraulic fluids for the auto and aerospace industries
  • medical devices
  • components of color copiers and printers
  • metal plating (such as chrome)
  • coating for non-stick cookware
  • food packaging

Because PFAS have been used so extensively over several decades, it is present virtually everywhere in the environment. In June 2017, the Environmental Working Group published a report which found PFAS contamination in water supplies in 27 states across the country, affecting approximately 15 million Americans. These chemicals have been found in varying amounts in the blood of virtually all humans as well as domestic animals and wildlife. These chemicals were listed in 2009 as “persistent organic pollutants,” or POPs, under the Stockholm Convention, an international treaty ratified in 2004 in order to bring an end to the manufacture and use of non-biodegradable substances such as PFAS.

Unfortunately, PFAS are highly resistant to environmental degradation through natural processes such as decay and sun and weather exposure. Once released into the environment, PFAS remain almost indefinitely. Scientific studies show the half-life (the length of time needed for half of the amount of a substance to degrade) of PFAS to be 10,000 years. When released into water supplies, that half-life is more than 1 million years.

Health Consequences

The impact of PFAS on human and animal health are varied and serious, and can result from exposure levels as little as 1 part per trillion. PFAS is a recognized human carcinogen. Exposure can cause cancer and numerous other diseases. Our firm is currently representing individuals who were exposed to PFAS and have developed:

  • Testicular Cancer
  • Kidney Cancer
  • Liver Cancer
  • Pancreatic Cancer
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Ulcerative Colitis


How and Where Do PFAS Enter the Water Supply?

PFAS enters the water supply primarily through the discharge of industrial waste. This can happen in rivers and streams, but can also occur when such waste products end up on the ground as well. When it rains, these substances make their way into underground aquifers. Unfortunately, the problem does not end there. Because PFAS are not biodegradable, they accumulate as they make their way into the food chain.

As PFAS are used in fire suppressant foams, one probable source is fire training facilities as well as places that have recently experienced serious fires. Because PFAS are often a component of heavy-duty lubricants and hydraulic fluids, contamination is commonly found in water sources near military bases and industrial sites. Water wells near a former US Air Force base in Michigan were found to contain 10,000 times the lifetime health advisory set by the EPA. In July of 2018, Michigan Lt. Governor Brian Calley declared a state of emergency over levels of PFAS in water supplies in two Kalamazoo communities.

According to a peer-reviewed study published in the journal Environmental Research in August 2018, approximately 6 million Americans are still exposed to water contaminated with PFAS that exceed EPA advisory levels. A recent map from the Environmental Working Group shows serious levels of PFAS contamination in water supplies for cities and towns along the Atlantic seaboard, the California Coast and south Puget Sound.

PFAS Removal

Unfortunately, the options for removing PFAS contamination from water supplies are limited and expensive. Granular activated carbon (GAC) filtration can remove 99.9% of PFOA and PFOS. However, shorter chain PFASs, such as GenX, require more intensive filtration methods such as ion exchange and reverse osmosis. Putting such equipment in place and starting the filtration process can cost over $1 million. Annual ongoing expenses run into the six-figure range, putting a heavy burden on affected communities.

Holding Polluters Accountable

In February 2018, the State of Minnesota reached a settlement with 3M, a manufacturer of the water-repellent Scotchgard. The settlement resolved litigation that had been going on since 2010. Three months earlier, state health authorities discovered an unusual number of premature births and cases of cancer in the Minneapolis area. Because of this, state Attorney General Lori Swanson announced that she would be seeking punitive damages that would have cost the defendant $5 billion. Just before the case was scheduled to go to trial, 3M settled the case for $850 million but has not admitted to any wrongdoing. According to AG Swanson, the settlement funds will be used for PFAS removal.

Currently, our firm is working with public and private utility companies in recovering the massive costs involved in PFAS removal from water supplies. Defendants include PFAS manufacturers as well as companies that use such chemicals in their manufacturing processes or finished products.

Why Choose Our Law Firm

Our law firm has been in existence for more than 65 years, and is considered a national leader in this type of litigation. We have received well over 150 jury verdicts throughout the country in the amount of $1 million or more, and achieved verdicts and settlements in excess of $30 billion.

We are one of the six law firms that first exposed the dangers of DuPont’s chemical C8, and reached a $670 million settlement with the company on behalf of those injured as a result of C8 being dumped into the Ohio River and the air in West Virginia.

Our law firm is currently representing more than 700 governmental agencies against wholesale distributors and manufacturers of opioids in order to recover the immense damages they have sustained as a result of these companies creating the current opioid epidemic.

We are the law firm that formulated the idea of rewriting Florida’s Medicaid Third-Party Recovery Act, and then initiating the litigation against the Tobacco Industry on behalf of the state of Florida, which resulted in a $13 billion settlement.

Professor Richard Daynard of Northeastern University stated that our law firm’s rewrite of Florida’s Medicaid bill for the purpose of suing Big Tobacco was: “the single biggest blow against the tobacco industry and for the public health that’s ever been done in the United states.”

We are the founder of Mass Torts Made Perfect, which is a national seminar attended by approximately 1,000 lawyers twice per year where we help teach the successful handling of cases against the world’s largest companies.

To contact us for a free case evaluation, you can call us at (800) 277-1193. You also can request an evaluation by clicking Free & Confidential Evaluation Form. This form will be immediately reviewed by one of our attorneys handling the PFAS lawsuits.